
Contract for Mailbox Service Terms and Conditions                                   01/01/2021


General Terms

By signing the Contract For Mailbox Service Agreement to these terms and conditions and a USPS Form 1583, which will be made available to the United States Postal Service, Applicant appoints Mail Service (The Central Office) as agent for the receipt of mail and packages from the U.S Postal Service and packages through common carriers for a period not to exceed that for which rent has been paid in advance.


Applicant is responsible to notify Mail Service of any changes to information on the USPS Form 1583, including contact information and current physical address.


Applicants may obtain their mail during business hours on regular business days, as posted by Mail Service.


Applicant understands that the relationship of the parties hereto is one of bailment and not landlord and tenant.


Mail Service is not engaged in the delivery of mail or other carrier shipments and cannot be responsible for failure in the United States Postal Service or other carriers to deliver parcels or to deliver in a timely fashion or in undamaged condition.


Applicant agrees to use services in accordance with Mail Service rules and in compliance with U.S. Postal Service regulations, as well as local, state, and federal statutes and regulations.  Failure to do so may result in cancellation of service without notice, refund, or mail forwarding.


Information provided by Applicant will not knowingly be disclosed without Applicant’s prior consent, except for law enforcement or postal operation purposes, in which case Mail Service intends to cooperate fully.  Law enforcement is further clarified to include all city, county, state, or federal agencies or their representatives.


Once Mail Service has placed Applicant’s mail in the assigned mailbox, or external image of mail uploaded to the digital mailbox account, the mail shall be deemed to have been delivered.  Mail Service shall not be responsible for loss, theft or damage beyond the value of the mailbox rental.


Should Mail Service commit or fail to commit an act that results in disruption of service and Applicant thereby suffers a loss, Mail Service’s liability shall be limited to not more than the rental fees paid by Applicant for service not yet received.  Mail Service shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages.


Applicant agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless Mail Service from and against any and all claims, demands and causes of action of any nature whatsoever relative to use of Mail Service facilities or services.


Applicant shall use only the address designation “PMB” or “#” to designate their address. NO OTHER DESIGNATION IS VALID. Specifically excluded is the use of suite, apt., dept., or any other designators for the Applicant’s mailbox. The U.S. Postal Service may refuse to deliver any piece of mail that does not include the PMB or “#” designation.  Applicant is responsible for notifying correspondents of the correct address. The address to be used by Applicant for the purpose of receiving mail must conform to Postal Regulation (DMM 1.8.2 e-g).


No hazardous or dangerous material as defined by USPS regulations may be delivered to Applicant at the Mail Service location.  Failure to adhere to this rule will result in immediate termination of this contract with no refund, further receipt of mail or packages, and no forwarding.


Mail Box Services

First Class Mail

Box rental includes unlimited receiving of First Class mail, periodicals, and bulk mail, but subject to package storage fees.


When a mailbox becomes full and ‘overflows’, the contents will be removed and placed into a package and stored outside the mail box and be subject to package storage fees. 


First Class Mail that is too large to fit in the mailbox will have a notice placed in the mailbox which will require a signature to evidence receipt by Applicant.


Per USPS regulations, accountable mail, including but not limited to certified, insured, or C.O.D. mail or parcels shall be accepted by Mail Service on the behalf of Applicant.  Full advance payment of C.O.D. charges must be made to Mail Service prior to acceptance of C.O.D. packages. Restricted delivery mail may be accepted with prior written permission on the Applicant’s USPS from 1583 in block 5.



Packages that cannot fit in a 24 hour access box will be held for pickup during Mail Service business hours.


Packages identified as prescription medication may be held for pickup during Mail Service business hours.


Packages will be assessed storage fees after 7 calendar days. 


Oversized packages (greater than 3 cubic feet or greater than 25 pounds) will incur an Oversized Package Storage fee after 4 business days.


Parcels and packages delivered to this address for the Applicant will be delivered by common carrier only (USPS, DHL, FedEx, and UPS, Ontrac, or similar), and that no truck line deliveries, also known as 'freight', will be made, except by special arrangement in advance.  Truck line deliveries arriving without special arrangement in advance may be refused and not signed for.


Deliveries that cannot fit through the door will remain outside the building and be subject to weather and traffic.  It will be the recipient's responsibility to protect and pick up their property the same day it is delivered.  Any shipments that remain outside past 4 pm will be subject to a Freight Left Outside fee.

If a special arrangement is made in advance of delivery, Mail Service may break down the delivery and bring it through the door, if possible.  Mail Service is not liable for any lost, damaged, or stolen property left outside.  Freight Handling Delivery charges, and any other package or storage fees will also apply.


Package Receiving

Packages may be received for non-box holders from non-USPS delivery services as a Package Receiving Service plus any applicable storage fees.


Box rental includes package receiving for up to 20 packages that do not fit in the mailbox per month.  Excess packages will be charged an Excess Package Receiving Fee.


Applicant will not hold Mail Service liable for any packages delivered into the Mail Service building or while the Mail Service is closed.



Letters and packages requiring Cash-On Delivery may be accepted at Mail Service's discretion up to $10 and will be charged to the box holder.  C.O.D. amounts greater than $10 will require box holder approval.  If box holder approval is not obtained in a timely manner, the letter or package may be refused by Mail Service.



Each adult or business/organization representative Applicant must complete a USPS Form 1583, complete the California Addendum, provide two approved and valid forms of ID, and sign a Contract For Mailbox Service Agreement.


A single mailbox may receive mail for two (2) adult (age 18 or over) persons residing at the same physical address and all their minor children (under the age of 18).


Additional adults living at the same physical address may be added for a fee.


One business or organization name may be added for no additional charge.


Additional business or organization names may be added for a fee.


24 Hour Access

24 hour access may be offered on an “as available” basis for an additional fee.


The 24 Hour Access service charge provides for one mailbox key to Applicant.  Additional keys are available for a non-refundable fee.


Applicant should safeguard keys as Mail Service shall assume that possession of a key is evidence of authority to collect mail or other shipments. 


Keys remain the property of Mail Service so long as the mailbox contract is in effect and shall not be duplicated or modified by Applicant.  Should applicant appoint another person or organization to collect mail or other shipments, Mail Service shall assume that possession of a key is evidence of authority to collect mail or other shipments.


Set Up

Setup requires a Mailbox Set Up fee and at least 3 months of rent paid in advance, plus the current month's prorated rent.


Applicant will be billed monthly on the first of a month so that at least 1 month of rent is always prepaid.


Prepaid rent is not refundable and may be used to cover other costs or expenses incurred by the Applicant for services rendered by Mail Service.


A Statement Fee will be assessed for non-credit card payment types (cash or check).


If credit card charge fails, a Statement Fee will be assessed. 


Rent is due on the 1st day of the month.


Payments received after the 9th of the month will be assessed a Late Charge.


Box closure instructions from Applicants must be made in writing prior to term renewal, otherwise the new term is fully earned.



Payment or renewal payment indicates acceptance of both mailbox and Digital Mailbox contract terms and conditions in affect at that time.  Terms and Conditions may change at any time.  Terms and Conditions may be found at


Mail Service fees are due and payable in advance of the renewing term.   No other notice will be required.  A renewal reminder may be placed in Applicant’s mailbox and/or electronically transmitted via email, or similar electronic method.  Failure to receive a renewal reminder does not change the due date or waive any late payment fees.  Failure to pay all fees when due may result in disruption or cancellation of services, or professional collection efforts. 


Mail Service does not prorate fees and does not provide refunds in the event of cancellation by Applicant or Mail Service.


Mail removed due to non-payment becomes 'held mail' and will be packaged and subject to package storage fees.




Unpaid Mail Service Fees

Any fees in excess of the basic mailbox rental may be placed on a House Account.  Unpaid fees will have the same affect as unpaid mailbox rent.



Upon termination of services either by Applicant's request or by Mail Service’s initiative, Mail Service shall not make Applicant’s mail available without payment of all incurred rents and fees.


If all payments are not received by 30 days after they are due, then all deposits and prepaid rents will be used to offset mail handling and box closing costs. All remaining mail and/or packages will be returned to sender immediately, unless prior arrangements have been made. Mail will be disposed of in accordance with U.S. Postal regulations, or by prior agreement with box holder.


All remaining mail and/or packages will be handled in accordance with (the agreement) as directed by the box holder in advance.


Applicant shall provide Mail Service with a forwarding address and have a credit card on file to cover any forwarding expenses.  In the event Applicant fails to do this, Mail Service will accept mail for 180 days after termination and handle such mail in accordance with USPS DMM 508 1.8.3 regulations, or as directed by box holder.


Any written notice to Applicant required or permitted under this agreement shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after placement of such notice in the Applicant’s mailbox or at the time personally delivered to Applicant.  In the event of a termination notice, based upon abandonment of the mailbox, notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the next day after placing in the hands of a commercial courier service or the United States Postal Service for next day delivery, or (b) five (5) days after placement in the United States Mail by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to Applicant at Applicant’s address as set forth in Form 1583, or on the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier.


A Terminated Box Mail Storage fee will be assessed weekly on any mail in storage.



Applicant understands that the United States Postal Service will not forward or return mail without payment, and will not accept a USPS Change of Address for a Private Mail Box (PMB).


Applicant agrees to be responsible for forwarding of all mail at the termination of this agreement.  This constitutes “written instructions to the CMRA that the mail (or specific types of mail) not be re-mailed upon termination of the relationship” also known as a “Do Not Forward” agreement as per DMM 508.1.8.3.b.


Applicant may request a prepaid forwarding service and/or address change service from Mail Service.


In the event the Applicant fails to prepay for mail handling and/or forwarding, Mail Service shall refuse receipt of any further mail, and in the case of mail already received handle such mail in accordance with USPS regulations. 


In event that packages are received and no forwarding arrangements have been made after 6 months, the packages will be returned to sender at box holders expense, if possible, else they become the property of the Mail Service and disposed of.


Forwarding charges may be processed separately with payment due immediately. 



Possession of a Digital Mailbox username and password shall be considered valid evidence that the possessor is duly authorized to access and request services regarding any contents in the Digital Mailbox. 

The possessor of a Digital Mailbox is responsible for all service charges accumulated beyond their current plan agreement.

Digital mail processing services are described by separate agreement and are supplemental to this agreement.


House Accounts

On approved credit, a “House Account” may be granted for which services rendered may be charged.  A credit card must be held on file.  The card on file will be charged an amount each month on the first to bring the account balance to zero.  A statement fee will apply.


House account balances due are secured against the mail box account.  Any balances due on a house account will be treated as a balance due on the mail box.  Box closure for non-payment rules apply.




Fee Disclosure Addendum 

Mailbox Set Up                       $29     


Box Type                                 12-Month       6-Month         3-Month

Business Hours Box                $249                $132                $69

24 Hr Small Box                      $276                $144                $75

24 Hr Medium Box                 $309                $162                $84


Extra Key                                 $5                                (non-refundable)

Additional Adult Name           Add $5 per month       (after the 2 included adult names)

Additional Business Receiver  Add $5 per month       (after the 1 included business name)

Lock Replacement                  $10


Statement Fee                         $6 per statement        (waived with valid auto pay or annual payment)

Late Charge                            $15                              (assessed on the 5th of the mo., per mo.)


Mailbox Number Change Fee $35     


Package Storage                     $1 per day                   (after 7 calendar days)

Oversize Storage                     $2 per day                   (after 4 calendar days)

Excess Package Receiving Fee            $1 per package           20 or more packages/month


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)

Pallet/XL Box Disposal                        $50 per pallet


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Package Receiving Service    

Letter/Small Box         $5 per package received per week for non-box holders

            Medium Box               $10 per package received per week for non-box holders

            Large Box                    $15 per package received per week for non-box holders

            Extra Large Box          $20 per package received per week for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.















Digital Mailbox Fee Disclosure


Digital 30                   


Recipients Per Mailbox         Allowed         

Recipients                               2

Additional Recipient               $5 per additional recipient


Extra Fee         Allowance      Extra Count

Incoming Mail                         $0.50               20                    1

Open & Scan Requests            $5 per scan     0                      1

Scanned Pages per Request    $0.25               10                    1

Forward Requests                   $5                    0                      1

Recycle Request                      Free                 0                      1

Shred Request                         $0.10               0                      1


Small Package Storage           $5 per day                   (after 7 calendar days)

Medium Package Storage      $7 per day                   (after 7 calendar days)

Large Package Storage           $10 per package         (after 4 calendar days)

Mail and Package Pickup        $3 per pickup


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Package Receiving Service     $5 per package received for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.


Digital 50                               


Recipients Per Mailbox         Allowed         

Recipients                               2

Additional Recipient               $5 per additional recipient


Extra Fee         Allowance      Extra Count

Incoming Mail                         $0.33               50                    1

Open & Scan Requests            $3 per scan     0                      1

Scanned Pages per Request    $0.25               15                    1

Forward Requests                   $3                    0                      1

Recycle Request                      Free                 0                      1

Shred Request                         $0.05               0                      1


Small Package Storage           $3 per day                   (after 10 calendar days)

Medium Package Storage      $5 per day                   (after 10 calendar days)

Large Package Storage           $7 per package           (after 7 calendar days)

Mail and Package Pickup        $3 per pickup


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Address Change Service         $1 per address change

Package Receiving Service     $5 per package received for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.


Digital 100                             


Recipients Per Mailbox         Allowed         

Recipients                               2

Additional Recipient               $5 per additional recipient


Extra Fee         Allowance      Extra Count

Incoming Mail                         $0.20               100                  1

Open & Scan Requests            $2 per scan     0                      1

Scanned Pages per Request    $0.25               20                    1

Forward Requests                   $2                    0                      1

Recycle Request                      Free                 0                      1

Shred Request                         $0.01               0                      1


Small Package Storage           $1 per day                   (after 14 calendar days)

Medium Package Storage      $3 per day                   (after 14 calendar days)

Large Package Storage           $5 per package           (after 7 calendar days)

Mail and Package Pickup        $3 per pickup


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Address Change Service         $1 per address change

Package Receiving Service     $5 per package received for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.





Digital Basic (Physical Mailbox Only)                                  


Extra Fee         Allowance      Extra Count

Incoming Mail                         $0.10               30                    1

Open & Scan Requests            $5 per scan     0                      1

Scanned Pages per Request    $0.25               20                    1

Forward Requests                   $5                    0                      1

Recycle Request                      Free                 0                      1

Shred Request                         $0.10               0                      1


Small Package Storage           $21 per week              (after 14 calendar days)

Medium Package Storage      $35 per week              (after 14 calendar days)

Large Package Storage           $49 per week              (after 10 calendar days)

Mail and Package Pickup        Free


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Address Change Service         $1 per address change

Package Receiving Service     $5 per package received for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.



Digital Enhanced (Physical Mailbox Only)                         


Extra Fee         Allowance      Extra Count

Incoming Mail                         $0.05               100                  1

Open & Scan Requests            $5 per scan     0                      1

Scanned Pages per Request    $0.15               25                    1

Forward Requests                   $5                    0                      1

Recycle Request                      Free                 0                      1

Shred Request                         $0.05               0                      1


Small Package Storage           $14 per week              (after 14 calendar days)

Medium Package Storage      $21 per week              (after 14 calendar days)

Large Package Storage           $35 per week  (after 10 calendar days)

Mail and Package Pickup        Free


Freight Left Outside                $25 per day                 (starts at 4 p.m.)

Freight Delivery Handling       $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)


Forwarding Service                 $5 + Shipping Costs     (Credit Card must be on file)

Terminated Box Mail Storage            $7.50 per week

Address Change Service         $1 per address change

Package Receiving Service     $5 per package received for non-box holders


C.O.D. Fee                               $1 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.

                                                $5 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.

Contract for Mailbox Service Terms and Conditions



General Terms
By signing the Contract For Mailbox Service Agreement to these terms and conditions and a USPS Form 1583, which will be made available to the United States Postal Service, Applicant appoints Mail Service (The Central Office) as agent for the receipt of mail and packages from the U.S Postal Service and packages through common carriers for a period not to exceed that for which rent has been paid in advance. The applicant is responsible to notify Mail Service of any changes to information on the USPS Form 1583, including contact information and current physical address. Applicants may obtain their mail during business hours on regular business days, as posted by Mail Service. Applicant understands that the relationship of the parties hereto is one of bailment and not landlord and tenant. Mail Service is not engaged in the delivery of mail or other carrier shipments and cannot be responsible for the failure of the United States Postal Service or other carriers to deliver parcels or to deliver in a timely fashion or in undamaged condition. Applicant agrees to use services in accordance with Mail Service rules and in compliance with U.S. Postal Service regulations, as well as local, state, and federal statutes and regulations. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of service without notice, refund, or mail forwarding. Information provided by Applicant will not knowingly be disclosed without Applicant’s prior consent, except for law enforcement or postal operation purposes, in which case Mail Service intends to cooperate fully. Law enforcement is further clarified to include all city, county, state, or federal agencies or their representatives. Once Mail Service has placed Applicant’s mail in the assigned mailbox, or an external image of mail uploaded to the digital mailbox account, the mail shall be deemed to have been delivered. Mail Service shall not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage beyond the value of the mailbox rental. Should Mail Service commit or fail to commit an act that results in disruption of service and Applicant thereby suffers a loss, Mail Service’s liability shall be limited to not more than the rental fees paid by Applicant for service not yet received. Mail Service shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages. Applicant agrees to protect, indemnify and hold harmless Mail Service from and against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of any nature whatsoever relative to the use of Mail Service facilities or services. The applicant shall use only the address designation “PMB” or “#” to designate their address. NO OTHER DESIGNATION IS VALID. Specifically excluded is the use of the suite, apt., dept., or any other designators for the Applicant’s mailbox. The U.S. Postal Service may refuse to deliver any piece of mail that does not include the PMB or “#” designation. The applicant is responsible for notifying correspondents of the correct Address. The address to be used by Applicant for the purpose of receiving mail must conform to Postal Regulation (DMM 1.8.2 e-g). No hazardous or dangerous material as defined by USPS regulations may be delivered to Applicant at the Mail Service location. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in immediate termination of this contract with no refund, further receipt of mail or packages, and no forwarding.

Mail Box Services

First Class Mail
Box rental includes unlimited receiving of First Class mail, periodicals, and bulk mail, but is subject to package storage fees. When a mailbox becomes full and ‘overflows’, the contents will be removed and placed into a package and stored outside the mailbox and be subject to package storage fees. First Class Mail that is too large to fit in the mailbox will have a notice placed in the mailbox which will require a signature to evidence receipt by the Applicant. Per USPS regulations, accountable mail, including but not limited to certified, insured, or C.O.D. mail or parcels shall be accepted by Mail Service on the behalf of Applicant. Full advance payment of C.O.D. charges must be made to Mail Service prior to acceptance of C.O.D. packages. Restricted delivery mail may be accepted with prior written permission on the Applicant’s USPS from 1583 in block 5.

Packages that cannot fit in a box will be held for pickup during Mail Service business hours. Packages identified as prescription medication may be held for pickup during Mail Service business hours. Packages will be assessed storage fees after 7 calendar days. Oversized packages (greater than 3 cubic feet or greater than 25 pounds) will incur an Oversized Package Storage fee after 4 business days. Parcels and packages delivered to this address for the Applicant will be delivered by common carrier only (USPS, DHL, FedEx, UPS, Ontrac, or similar), and no truck line deliveries, also known as 'freight', will be made, except by special arrangement in advance. Truck line deliveries arriving without a special arrangement in advance may be refused and not signed for. Deliveries that cannot fit through the door will remain outside the building and be subject to weather and traffic. It will be the recipient's responsibility to protect and pick up their property the same day it is delivered. Any shipments that remain outside past 4 pm will be subject to a Freight Left Outside fee. If a special arrangement is made in advance of delivery, Mail Service may break down the delivery and bring it through the door, if possible. Mail Service is not liable for any lost, damaged, or stolen property left outside. Freight Handling Delivery charges, and any other package or storage fees will also apply.

Package Receiving
Packages may be received for non-box holders from non-USPS delivery services as a Package Receiving Service plus any applicable storage fees. Box rental includes package receiving for up to 20 packages that do not fit in the mailbox per month. Excess packages will be charged an Excess Package Receiving Fee. The applicant will not hold Mail Service liable for any packages delivered into the Mail Service building or while the Mail Service is closed.

Letters and packages requiring Cash-On Delivery may be accepted at Mail Service's discretion up to $100 and will be charged to the box holder. Arrangements must be made before delivery. C.O.D. amounts greater than $10 will require box holder approval. If box holder approval is not obtained in a timely manner, the letter or package may be refused by Mail Service.

Each adult or business/organization representative Applicant must complete a USPS Form 1583, complete the California Addendum, provide two approved and valid forms of ID, and sign a Contract For Mailbox Service Agreement. A single mailbox may receive mail for two (2) adult (age 18 or over) persons residing at the same physical address and all their minor children (under the age of 18). Additional adults living at the same physical address may be added for a fee. One business or organization name may be added for no additional charge. Additional business or organization names may be added for a fee.

The 24 Hour Access service provides one mailbox key to the Applicant. Additional keys are available for a nonrefundable fee. Applicant should safeguard keys as Mail Service shall assume that possession of a key is evidence of authority to collect mail or other shipments. Keys remain the property of Mail Service so long as the mailbox contract is in effect and shall not be duplicated or modified by Applicant. Should the applicant appoint another person or organization to collect mail or other shipments, Mail Service shall assume that possession of a key is evidence of authority to collect mail or other shipments.

Setup requires a Mailbox Set Up fee and at least 3 months of rent paid in advance, plus the current month's prorated rent. The applicant will be billed monthly on the first of the month so that at least 1 month of rent is always prepaid. Prepaid rent is not refundable and may be used to cover other costs or expenses incurred by the Applicant for services rendered by Mail Service. A Statement Fee will be assessed for non-credit card payment types (cash or check). If a credit card charge fails, a Statement Fee will be assessed. Rent is due on the 1st day of the month. Payments received after the 4th of the month will be assessed as a Late Charge. Box closure instructions from Applicants must be made in writing prior to term renewal, otherwise, the new term is fully earned.


Payment or renewal payment indicates acceptance of both mailbox and Digital Mailbox contract terms and conditions in effect at that time. Terms and Conditions may change at any time. Terms and Conditions may be found at

Mail Service fees are due and payable in advance of the renewal term. No other notice will be required. A renewa reminder may be placed in Applicant’s mailbox and/or electronically transmitted via email, or a similar electronic method. Failure to receive a renewal reminder does not change the due date or waive any late payment fees. Failure to pay all fees when due may result in disruption or cancellation of services, or professional collection efforts. Mail Service does not prorate fees and does not provide refunds in the event of cancellation by Applicant or Mail Service. Mail removed due to non-payment becomes 'held mail' and will be packaged and subject to package storage fees.

Unpaid Mail Service Fees
Any fees in excess of the basic mailbox rental may be placed on a House Account. Unpaid fees will have the same effect as unpaid mailbox rent.


Upon termination of services either by Applicant's request or by Mail Service’s initiative, Mail Service shall not make Applicant’s mail available without payment of all incurred rents and fees. If all payments are not received by 30 days after they are due, then all deposits and prepaid rents will be used to offset mail handling and box closing costs. All remaining mail and/or packages will be returned to the sender immediately unless prior arrangements have been made. Mail will be disposed of in accordance with U.S. Postal regulations, or by prior agreement with the box holder. All remaining mail and/or packages will be handled in accordance with (the agreement) as directed by the box holder in advance.

The applicant shall provide Mail Service with a forwarding address and have a credit card on file to cover any forwarding expenses. In the event Applicant fails to do this, Mail Service will accept mail for 30 days after termination and handle such mail in accordance with USPS DMM 508 1.8.3 regulations, or as directed by the box holder. Any written notice to Applicant required or permitted under this agreement shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after the placement of such notice in the Applicant’s mailbox or at the time personally delivered to Applicant. In the event of a termination notice, based upon abandonment of the mailbox, the notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the next day after placing in the hands of a commercial courier service or the United States Postal Service for next-day delivery, or (b) five (5) days after placement in the United States Mail by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to Applicant at Applicant’s address as set forth in Form 1583, or on the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier. A Terminated Box Mail Storage fee will be assessed weekly on any mail in storage.


Applicant understands that the United States Postal Service will not forward or return mail without payment, and will not accept a USPS Change of Address for a Private Mail Box (PMB). Applicant agrees to be responsible for forwarding all mail at the termination of this agreement. This constitutes “written instructions to the CMRA that the mail (or specific types of mail) not be re-mailed upon the termination of the relationship” also known as a “Do Not Forward” agreement as per DMM 508.1.8.3.b. The applicant may request a prepaid forwarding service and/or address change service from Mail Service. In the event the Applicant fails to prepay for mail handling and/or forwarding, Mail Service shall refuse receipt of any further mail, and in the case of mail already received handle such mail in accordance with USPS regulations. In event that packages are received and no forwarding arrangements have been made after 30 days, the packages will be returned to the sender at the box holder's expense, if possible, or else they become the property of the Mail Service and disposed of. Forwarding charges may be processed separately with payment due immediately.


Possession of a Digital Mailbox username and password shall be considered valid evidence that the possessor is duly
authorized to access and request services regarding any contents in the Digital Mailbox.
The possessor of a Digital Mailbox is responsible for all service charges accumulated beyond their current plan
agreement. Digital mail processing services are described by a separate agreement and are supplemental to this agreement.


House Accounts
On approved credit, a “House Account” may be granted for which services rendered may be charged. A credit card must
be held on file. The card on file will be charged an amount each month on the first to bring the account balance to zero.
A statement fee will apply.
House account balances due are secured against the mailbox account. Any balances due on a house account will be
treated as a balance due on the mailbox. Box closure for non-payment rules apply.


Fee Disclosure Addendum
Mailbox Set Up $30
Box Term                             12-Month     6-Month     3-Month     1-Month
24 Hr. Small Box                 $300             $156           $81               $38
24 Hr. Medium Box            $360             $186           $96               $42
Extra Key $5 (non-refundable)
Additional Adult Name Add $5 per month (after the 2 included adult names)
Additional Business Receiver Add $5 per month (after the 1 included business name)
Lock Replacement $30
Statement Fee $6 per statement (waived with valid auto pay or annual payment)
Late Charge $15 per month (assessed on the 5th of each month)
Mailbox Number Change Fee $35
Package Storage $1 per package per day (after 7 calendar days)
Oversize Storage $2 per package per day (after 4 calendar days)
Excess Package Receiving Fee $1 per package 20 or more packages/month
Freight Left Outside $25 per day (starts at 4 p.m.)
Freight Delivery Handling $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)
Pallet/XL Box Disposal $75 per pallet
Forwarding Service $5 + Shipping Costs (Credit Card must be on file)
Terminated Box Mail Storage $10 per week


Package Receiving Service
Letter/Small Box $5 per package received per week for non-box holders
Medium Box $15 per package received per week for non-box holders
Large Box $25 per package received per week for non-box holders
Extra Large Box $50 per package received per week for non-box holders
C.O.D. Fee Must be arranged in advance.
$5 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.
$15 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.


Digital Mailbox Fee Disclosure


Digital 30
Recipients Per Mailbox Allowed
Recipients 2
Additional Recipient $5 per additional recipient
Extra Fee Allowance Extra Count
Incoming Mail $0.50 30 1
Open & Scan Requests $5 per scan 0 1
Scanned Pages per Request $0.25 20 1
Forward Requests $5 0 1
Recycle Request Free 0 1
Shred Request $0.10 0 1
Small Package Storage $5 per package per day (after 7 calendar days)
Medium Package Storage $7 per package per day (after 7 calendar days)
Large Package Storage $10 per package per package (after 4 calendar days)
Mail and Package Pickup $3 per pickup
Freight Left Outside $25 per day (starts at 4 p.m.)
Freight Delivery Handling $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)
Forwarding Service $5 + Shipping Costs (Credit Card must be on file)
Terminated Box Mail Storage $10 per week
Package Receiving Service $5 per package received for non-box holders
C.O.D. Fee Must be arranged in advance.
$5 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.
$15 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.


Digital 50
Recipients Per Mailbox Allowed
Recipients 2
Additional Recipient $5 per additional recipient
Extra Fee Allowance Extra Count
Incoming Mail $0.33 50 1
Open & Scan Requests $3 per scan 0 1
Scanned Pages per Request $0.25 15 1
Effective 2024 01 01 Mailbox Contract Page 7 of 8
Forward Requests $3 0 1
Recycle Request Free 0 1
Shred Request $0.05 0 1
Small Package Storage $3 per package per day (after 10 calendar days)
Medium Package Storage $5 per package per day (after 10 calendar days)
Large Package Storage $7 per package per day (after 7 calendar days)
Mail and Package Pickup $3 per pickup
Freight Left Outside $25 per day (starts at 4 p.m.)
Freight Delivery Handling $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one-hour minimum)
Forwarding Service $5 + Shipping Costs (Credit Card must be on file)
Terminated Box Mail Storage $10 per week
Address Change Service $1 per address change
Package Receiving Service $5 per package received for non-box holders
C.O.D. Fee Must be arranged in advance.
$5 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.
$15 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.


Digital 100
Recipients Per Mailbox Allowed
Recipients 2
Additional Recipient $5 per additional recipient
Extra Fee Allowance Extra Count
Incoming Mail $0.20 100 1
Open & Scan Requests $2 per scan 0 1
Scanned Pages per Request $0.25 20 1
Forward Requests $2 0 1
Recycle Request Free 0 1
Shred Request $0.01 0 1
Small Package Storage $1 per package per day (after 14 calendar days)
Medium Package Storage $3 per package per day (after 14 calendar days)
Large Package Storage $5 per package per package (after 7 calendar days)
Mail and Package Pickup $3 per pickup
Freight Left Outside $25 per day ` (starts at 4 p.m.)
Freight Delivery Handling $75 per hour, per employee handling freight (one hour minimum)
Forwarding Service $5 + Shipping Costs (Credit Card must be on file)
Terminated Box Mail Storage $10 per week
Address Change Service $1 per address change
Package Receiving Service $5 per package received for non-box holders
C.O.D. Fee Must be arranged in advance.
$5 per non-package, plus cost of C.O.D.
$15 per package, plus cost of C.O.D.
Effective 2024 01 01 Mailbox Contract Page 8 of 8


Digital Basic (Physical Mailbox Only)
Extra Fee Allowance Extra Count
Incoming Mail $0.10 30 1
Open & Scan Requests $5 per scan 0 1
Scanned Pages per Request $0.25 20 1
Forward Requests $5 0 1
Recycle Request Free 0 1
Shred Request $0.10 0 1
Small Package Storage $14 per week (after 14 calendar days)
Medium Package Storage $21 per week (after 14 calendar days)
Large Package Storage $35 per week (after 10 calendar days)
Mail and Package Pickup Free


Digital Enhanced (Physical Mailbox Only)
Extra Fee Allowance Extra Count
Incoming Mail $0.05 100 1
Open & Scan Requests $5 per scan 0 1
Scanned Pages per Request $0.15 25 1
Forward Requests $5 0 1
Recycle Request Free 0 1
Shred Request $0.05 0 1
Small Package Storage $14 per week (after 14 calendar days)
Medium Package Storage $21 per week (after 14 calendar days)
Large Package Storage $35 per week (after 10 calendar days)
Mail and Package Pickup Free

Store Hours

  • Tue
    Oct 22

  • Wed
    Oct 23

  • Thu
    Oct 24

  • Fri
    Oct 25

  • Sat
    Oct 26

  • Sun
    Oct 27

  • Mon
    Oct 28
